UWP Mountain Ball



General Info


Mountain Ball Rules
& Regulations

Season Schedule



Rules & Regulations

The object of Mountain Ball is to obtain possesion of the mountain ball and control it until the bottom of the hill.

The rules for Mountain Ball are as follows:

SINGLES ( Six or more players recommended )

  1. If it is the first round of the day, a random person throws the ball.
  2. If it isn't the first round, the winner of the previous round has to throw the ball into play for the next round. The throw can not be bias towards anybody and the thrower cannot be the first person to obtain possession of the mountain ball.
  3. When throwing the ball, the person must count it off and say a personalized quote. This rule is strongly encouraged, but is currenlty unenforced.
  4. The person that obtains control of the ball MUST be holding the ball and be on a sled. That person CANNOT place the ball between his/her legs or in any other location inside the sled.
  5. When the sled of the person in control of the mountain ball spins around or stops, that person MUST give up the ball and throw it back into play immediately.
  6. Any player may get out of their sled to retreive the mountain ball with the following constraits:
    • If the ball goes out of bounds ( into the weeds or trees ) OR stops rolling, any player may get out of his/her sled and take as may steps needed to retreive the ball. Play resumes as soon as the person that retreives the ball gets back into their sled at the site the ball went out of bounds and throws the ball back into play. The player that reteives the ball cannot be the first person to touch the ball when play resumes!
    • A player may get out of his/her sled and take two steps to retreive a free ball or to attack someone that currently has the ball.
  7. When attacking other players, one is not to intend to actually hurt another player. Mountain Ball PROMOTES good sportsmanship and that includes not trying to kill eachother.
  8. The person that has possesion of the ball at the bottom of the hill wins. If the ball is still in play, any player may get out of his/her sled and take as many steps as is needed to reach the ball. However, before there is an offical winner, the person with the ball must get back into their sled. Wrestling is allowed at the bottom of the hill if the ball is still in play. As soon as the player that is holding the ball gets into their sled, the round is over.
DOUBLES ( Four or more teams recommended )
Same Rues as SINGLES except:
  • Both team mates must be in the sled and have possesion of the ball at the bottom of the hill in order to win.
  • A player may board another teams sled to steal the ball; to put that team out of play; or to hitch a ride to the bottom of the hill.
An essential peice of equipment that is needed for Mountain Ball is a Mountain Ball, which is a small ball about half a foot in diameter. It should be rather soft in order to grip it properly, but hard enough that it will still roll down the hill.
The only other peice of equipment that is needed for Mountain Ball is a sled. A saucer can be used, but a sled is highly perfered. Tables, laundry baskets, shopping carts, trays, or any other improvised object cannot be used as it can be dangerous.
It is also advised that every player dresses warmly with multible layers. This sport is can be played in bad weather and everybody is expected to dress warmly.

Mountain Ball promotes good sportsmanship. At no time are winners allowed to brag about winning ... extensively, and losers aren't allowed to whine about losing - at all. In addition, no riots are allowed.

Last Updated
January 19, 2009
Rules written and published by Kooter.
To amend the rules, talk with either Kooter or Robocop.